Workout Log: 31 January 2017

Well, today was an ass-whoopin'. First day back in the gym after my ski week, and I actually didn't make it through the entire workout. One set left, and not only were my arms not cooperating, but the world was getting all sparkly, and I was getting sort of light-headed. Not sure what to attribute this to, except that maybe I didn't eat enough close enough to workout time. Also, the workout started at 5pm; normally sessions are a few hours earlier.


Cumulative mile count[1]: 18.5
Current weight: 236.4
Workout type: crossfit-style
Muscle groups: upper body

Started out with an easy jog to the gym and the standard 10-minute warm-up routine on the Skill Mill[2] - walk 2 minutes, sprint 30 seconds. I still haven't broken 14.0 miles per hour, but I can hit 13.8-13.9 for short periods of time.

3 supersets of:
Shoulder-to-shoulder ViPR press: 45 x 30
ViPR clean & press: 45 x 20[3]
ViPR farmer's carry: 45 x 6 laps

Followed by...

Iso-lateral low row: 160x20, 140x20

And at this point, the blackbird's goose was cooked. R dropped the weight down to 90 for me to try to finish the third set, but it just wasn't going to happen.

I normally don't wear my HR monitor at the gym, but I think I'm going to start, just because I like collecting more data. Here are today's biometrics.

A couple of interesting bits:
Max HR was 179 during the highest point of my warm-up sprint; even during the shittiest part of the actual workout it didn't get that high. When I started feeling woozy, it was down in the 130s and below.
With the addition of this workout, I'm 96 hours away from being fully recovered. At the pace we're going, I'll never be in a fully-recovered state. Or maybe that's not true, since not every workout is going to be an 8-mile hill-filled adventure. I'm curious to see how this number changes over the course of the next several days.

  1. One of the things on my personal goals list at work is to run (or run/walk, or hike, or whatever) at least 500 miles by the end of H1, so I should really start keeping track of how many miles I've covered (we're counting anything on a treadmill, a track, or outside). This works out to a bit less than 85 miles per month. Clearly, I am behind schedule and need to pick it up. ↩︎

  2. The "Skill Mill" is like a treadmill, but it's entirely human powered (no motor) and it's curved. I hate this thing, because it never really gets any easier. ↩︎

  3. No, it's not a snake. It's shaped like a foam roller, but it's made of rubber and has a few different grips - one in the middle on one side and two equally-spaced on the other side, so you can pick it up with one arm or two. ↩︎