Workout Log: 29/30 March 2017

I'm somewhat caught up, with only two workouts missing from the current list, so let's get those out of the way and recorded before we move on to more interesting stuff.

29 March 2017
workout type: heavy objects
body parts: chest/tris
bench: 135x8, 225x5, 250x4, 250x4, 250x4, 250x4, 250x4, 250x4, 250x4, 250x4

Yeah, 8 sets of 4 at 250, although I wonder how many of those reps actually count when R is helping me; on the last reps of the last set I probably didn't even push 50% of the weight. Oh, and the next thing in this program is 10 sets of 3 - at 265. Blargh.

30 March 2017
workout type: heavy objects
body parts: legs
squat: 135x10, 225x8, 315x5, 360x5, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10
leg extension: 60x12, 60x12, 60x12, 60x12
lying leg curl: 65x15 full/15 half/10 full, 65x20 full/20 half/15 full

This workout (Smolov, week 2, workout 3) started out reasonably well, considering that I had gone out the night before and drank enough alcohol that I wasn't able to sleep. Didn't get a hangover, but in some ways a hangover might have been better, because at least that means I would have gotten some Zs. However, I wasn't expecting to get all of those extra sets thrown at me; I figured that I'd do the heavy squats and then the rest of the session wouldn't be too bad.

WRONG. Another 50 reps of squats followed by those damn machines. My legs were hurting all weekend. It's just now EOD on Monday and I think everything is back to normal - just in time to do it again tomorrow. Honestly, though, it seems that the most interesting parts of my life are the things happening outside of the gym.

More on that shortly.