Workout Log: 26 December 2016

I'm kinda taking it easy this week - only going to be in the real gym on Thursday, at which point we'll do final year-end testing of my 1RM for bench, squat, and deadlift. The goal is 1100, which I think is going to be a stretch, but given that my original year-end goal was 900 and I was at 1005 at the start of November, anything is possible. If I had to estimate, right now I'd put my bench in the upper 200s, deadlift in the mid 400s, and squat in the upper 300s.[1] It's going to be hard to make 1100 out of that unless my DL is closer to 450 - which it might be, if my grip doesn't give out while I'm trying to pick up the damn bar. We shall see. Until then...

Pre-workout: 2.1g Creatine, 3g Glutamine, 2.25g Beta-alanine
Workout type: Heavy objects, light cardio
Muscle groups: Chest, triceps
DB bench press: 50x20, 50x20, 50x15, 50x12
Pushups: 20, 20, 15, 12
Cable fly (3-position): 6x10(x3), 6x10(x3), 7x10(x3), 7x10(x3)
Seated chest press: 120x20, 120x20, 130x15, 140x12
Seated dips: 20, 20, 15, 12
Tricep pressdown: 9x20, 10x20, 11x15, 12x12
Plank: 90 sec
Treadmill run: 1.5% incline, 1.0 miles, 11:33 (it would have been closer to 10:45 but the first two minutes were spent walking as a warm-up)
Biometrics: [weights | running ]

Post-workout: 2.1g Creatine, 3g Glutamine, sushi!

  1. I'm going to predict a bench max of 280, a deadlift max of 445, and a squat max of 355, which would put me at 1080 and just a little bit short. Of course, it would also mean that I'm 40% stronger than I was four months ago when I started doing this. That's not too shabby, even if 1100 doesn't happen, but if I can tack on another 10lbs to each of those lower-body lifts, I'll have it. Then I can set my sights on 1200, which would be a new all-time personal best, although starting in January I'm going to be switching up my workouts a bit to start preparing more formally for Atacama. ↩︎