Workout Log: 23 November 2016

Updated 26 November.
Opening day of the 2016 ski season for Northstar and Heavenly! I hesitate to call this a "workout" because there wasn't much in the way of strenuous activity involved, but even on the beginner trails (there's nothing else open yet) it's possible to get a little burn in the quads by the end of the day if you make enough runs. I was also curious to see if the data from EpicMix, the GPS on my watch, and the ski-tracking app on my phone would all match up in terms of vertical feet covered and top speed and the like.

Not even close.

EpicMix was an epic fail, which it tends to be most of the time. (Side note: fuck you, Vail Resorts, why can't you fix your damn RFID sensors!?) It claims I only rode two lifts and covered less than 1200 vertical feet. But hey, I got the "Hump Day" pin. Someone give me a Xanax; I can barely contain my excitement here.

The Ski Tracks app counted 12 runs, 15.2 miles skied, and 10,651 vertical feet with a top speed of 35.4mph. Not sure I agree with the speed number. It seems inflated, because you just can't go that fast when the runs are crowded and half the people out there have no idea what they're doing, but the distance seems right.

My watch doesn't distinguish between lift rides and actual skiing, so I know the raw distance number of 24.8 miles isn't accurate for miles skied, but it also recorded 11,523 vertical feet (not too far off from the app) and a top speed of 23.6mph (way off from what the app claimed, but I think more likely to be accurate).

So, yeah, the Ski Tracks app is cool and has some interesting features, but I think I trust the data from Suunto more than the data from a mobile app that I paid $2.99 for.

One positive result that I can mention is that between the actual skiing and being at the higher elevations, normally I'm pretty gassed and my legs are spent after a day of skiing. Not today. My legs aren't fried and I'm not tired at all. I'm not sure how much of this I can attribute to hitting the gym these past few months and how much was just due to the mountain being largely closed, but hey, I'll take it.

Movescount data (these are separate because there were a couple of points where we took a break to get some water or make some yellow snow, but the first three are all from 23 November, and the fourth one is from a quick couple of runs at Heavenly on 24 November):
Northstar 1 | Northstar 2 | Northstar 3 | Heavenly