Workout Log: 21 December 2016

The biggest problem I have with deadlifts isn't picking the weight up, it's holding on to the bar long enough to complete the motion. Once I get up in weight, my grip fails before I can lock the thing out. So, my forearms are sore as fuck, and it's shoulder day. I probably hate shoulder day more than anything else, because it's usually very light weights that end up causing a burn like nothing else. Having had rotator cuff surgery on both sides, usually this is the workout that reminds me exactly where those muscles are. Anyway...

Workout type: heavy objects
Muscle groups: shoulders
Smith machine seated military press: 105x10, 135x10, 135x10
3-way raise (reverse fly, front, rear): 15x15(x3), 15x15(x3), 15x15(x3)
Upright row: 40x15, 40x15, 40x20

And then over to do some "table work" - which is code for trigger point massage or something similar that hurts like hell.