Workout Log: 13 - 22 January 2017

For reasons that will become apparent in a future post, I've lost a bit of focus in the last couple of weeks. I can't remember if I went to the gym on the 13th or not. Here's the rest.

14 January 2017: cardio
I did a training run from my apartment down to the beach, which covered 4.5 miles and included roughly 900 feet of elevation gain. Here is the biometric and GPS data. This is probably going to become my regular training course, now that I know that there's a trail that goes all the way down the hill.

15-16 January 2017: skiing
The 15th and 16th were ski days in Tahoe, and as usual, I tracked everything with EpicMix, SkiTracks, and the GPS on my watch. On Sunday (the 15th), I was at Heavenly. According to the GPS data I had a top speed of 33.8mph and 10,223 vertical feet. EpicMix gave me 11,279 vertical feet, which might actually be correct since all of my lift rides actually got captured this time, but then SkiTracks said I only got 9587 vertical with a top speed of 44.7mph. Who knows?[1]

Went to Northstar on the 16th, where SkiTracks shows 7819 vertical feet and a top speed of 42.2mph. EpicMix says 9137 vertical feet, and the GPS data claims 9330 vertical with a top speed of 23.0mph. I actually think SkiTracks might be right on the speed this time, because I definitely felt like I was flying down Challenger and Burnout at a few points. Maybe the problem with the speed tracking on the watch is that it's not sampling at a high enough resolution. Moving on.

17 January 2017: crossfit-style
Ran to the gym as a light warm-up (GPS data here) and then got the full-body beatdown.
StairMaster: 10 minutes with 80lb sandbag
Superset of 1-arm DB snatch / overhead ball slam: 30x15 + 30x20, 40x15 + 30x20, 40x15 + 30x20
Tire deadlift: 175x15, 175x15, 175x15, 175x15, 175x15
Battling ropes: both arms, 1 minute; single arm, 1 minute each

19 January 2017: fuck me with a lunge.
Farmer's walk: 6 laps of the gym with 185lbs
Walking lunges (no weight): 900

No, that's not a typo. We went outside, and R said that I was going to do lunges from the gym entrance to where the Volkswagen was parked down the street, so I decided to count my steps just for the fuck of it. 75 up, 75 back. That's 150. Do it again, 5 more times. 150 x 6 = 900. Some dude on a bicycle came by and mentioned to R that it looked like I was doing a shit-ton of lunges and asked if I was training for a race. R said yes. The guy asked if it was a marathon. Nope. Half-marathon? Nope. How many miles is he doing? 155 over 7 days. That's enough to blow just about anyone's mind, apparently.

I was supposed to go to the gym on the 20th, but ended up bailing out because I had some dizzy spells going on. R said that I needed to drink more water and get some Pedialyte in me, but it turned out that I wasn't dehydrated; I was actually sick for a couple of days. I got to Telluride on the 21st, but instead of going out skiing right away with N and S on the 22nd, I ended up sleeping for 16 hours. Went to bed at 10pm on Saturday night and I was out until 2pm Monday afternoon. On the plus side, when I woke up, no more dizziness and I felt considerably better. Well, physically better, anyway.

  1. As an aside, while in South Lake Tahoe I went into the EB Trading store and talked to the cute girl (R3) who works there who I hope to grow sufficient balls to ask out at some point. It turns out that she actually is roughly the age that I had predicted (I thought it was unlikely that she was over 25; she's 24) but at this point I don't care. I'm not trying to get into her pants, I just think she's cool, and this blackbird has an opening for a new friend and adventure buddy. So, maybe on the next trip I'll ask her if she wants to go make a few runs together on the mountain, because I certainly have nothing to lose at this point, and as things currently stand I'm going to be skiing solo more often than not.[2] Sometimes I think it would make certain parts of my social life a bit more frictionless if I actually liked coffee, tea, or beer. ↩︎

  2. I'll explain this one shortly. There has been a seismic shift in the blackbird universe during the last week, and it's going to require a completely separate post. ↩︎