Workout Log: 04 January 2017

Someone asked me the other day how my training was going, and even though I've been in the gym pretty regularly for the last four months, I couldn't help but think that I'm not training enough, even though the event is still 9 months away. It's just not going to suffice to go hit the weights for an hour a few times per week, or to run a couple miles here or there. I need to seriously increase training volume, but I need to do it in a gradual way so that I don't end up injured and convalescing for weeks at a time. My trainer said that I should be doing about 25 miles per week right now - not that I need to be running that much, just that I need to be covering that kind of distance. The biggest challenge there is that of time; even if I were running the whole way, it would still take me over an hour to cover 5 miles. Walk it and we're closer to 90-120 minutes. I don't mind the time, as long as I'm outside[1], but finding a couple additional hours to go running is not going to be easy. If I run at night, then I won't be able to go to sleep, which will impact whatever workout(s) I have planned for the next day, and I have a bitch of a time waking up in the morning, which makes running in the AM a challenge. Running in the middle of the day is only viable on weekends. Sounds like I'm making excuses, but that's not the case; most likely I'll end up doing most of my running at night and just dealing with the sleep fallout. It will be good when spring gets here and the sun starts rising earlier so that I can bike to work again. Anyway, without further ado, here's today's workout log.

Workout type: heavy objects
Muscle groups: shoulders, back
I, Y, T (static holds in each position): 15s, 15s, 5x15s, 5x15s
3-position reverse fly: 15x15, 15x15, 15x15
DB shrug: 50x20, 50x20, 50x20
Seated low row (+hold): 90x20+10s 105x15+10s, 120x15+10s
Bent over nut row[2]: 90x20, 90x20

Post-workout: 2 scoops protein powder: 400cal, 46g[3]

  1. There is a reason they call it the dreadmill. Running indoors sucks ass. ↩︎

  2. I'm sure there's some other name for this; I called it the "nut row" because I was pulling the bar up between my legs and trying not to hit myself in the gonads.[4] ↩︎

  3. 400 calories is actually pretty high for two scoops of protein powder, given that I'm not trying to gain weight. 46g of protein should really only come in at around 200-250 calories; next time I resupply, I should get something lower in carbs. ↩︎

  4. Gonads and strife, gonads and strife.... weeeeeeee! ↩︎