Workout Log: 01 February 2017

Life just gets more and more interesting, as if the Good Ship Blackbird hasn't already seen some interesting twists and turns in the last couple of weeks. First, let's get the suffering out of the way.

Cumulative mile count: 21
Current weight: 236.2
Workout type: heavy objects
Muscle groups: chest, back

Bench press: 95x20, 115x20, 135x20, 140x10
Band bench press[1]: 2 green bands x 20 x 2 sets
Deadlift: 135x20, 225x10 (slow-fast), 225x10 (fast)
Overhead press: 95x10, 95x10

In the previous workout log, I noted that I have yet to break 14.0 miles per hour on the manual treadmill from hell. Today, I hit 14.1. R's comment to that: "still haven't beat mine." Of course, I had to ask, and he said that his top speed is 16. I doubt that I will ever be anywhere near as strong as this guy, but that's a mark that I probably could beat in time if I keep up the race training. We shall see.

We also did body composition measurement, and the numbers went in the wrong direction from the previous time; I lost 0.5lbs of muscle and put on 1kg of blubber. This isn't surprising, though, because I've been skiing a lot, and when I'm in the mountains, I'm not lifting weights and I'm eating a lot of crap that I wouldn't normally eat at home. I'm not really sure how I want to deal with this issue. It's ski season, I want to go skiing, but I also need to make sure I'm keeping up with the real training.

In other news, the biometric data from this workout show exactly what I expected. Even though the workout wasn't as brutal as the previous one, I'm still accumulating recovery debt faster than I'm paying it off. Apparently now I need 5 days from Wednesday to be completely fresh. That's not going to happen, since Friday is lunge day. Blargh.

And in other, other news, I did something on Wednesday that I haven't done in literally over a decade. I'll likely have something further to say about this in the very near future.[2]

And in other, other, other news... I wished S a happy birthday yesterday. Why is that important? It demonstrates that blackbirds can overreact, just like other birds and African land animals. Not that this is anything new, but sometimes a reminder is helpful. It also appears that we really are still friends after all. Cool. Sometimes my intuition ends up being right when I actually listen to it.

  1. This was interesting. Originally, after my third set of 20 on the bench, I was supposed to do a 10-to-1 with 140. I made it through the 10 and the 9 just wasn't going to happen, so we switched to this other weird variant. A large rubber band was put around each end of the barbell and held down behind the top of the bench at an angle. Then I had to bench it. The challenge was in controlling the bar, because the bands wanted to pull it backwards but I needed to keep the motion vertical. ↩︎

  2. It can't be vaguebooking when it's not Facebook and nobody's reading! Fuck you, internet! :-P ↩︎