A Workout Log? Holy Shit!

It's all just a case of history repeating.

A Workout Log? Holy Shit!

Yeah, bet you didn't expect to see one of these again; it's certainly been awhile. I have not, however, been a complete lazy fuck these last few months.

27 August - attempted some heavy squats for the first time since my ACL surgery. Managed to hit 300lbs, although it wasn't the smoothest of lifts.

Did some random shit in September / October, mostly at the fitness center at my apartment complex. Also ran a few miles here and there. It looks like I tracked most of it on my watch but I don't feel like entering it all in. Fell off the wagon a bit in November, but I do have a couple of workouts to cover here.

15 November 2018: Max squat day. The fun thing about this is that I was actually able to wear my knee sleeves, thus signifying that my right leg is now large enough that they fit properly. Figured I'd see where I'm at so I can get back into a real program. I was pretty happy with these results - 345 went up pretty well, so I tried 355 but had to drop it. OK, this is where we start our Smolov.

Barbell back squat: 10x135, 8x185, 6x225, 4x275, 2x315, 1x345, fail x 355
Leg press: 20x405, 20x405, 20x405, 20x405

20 November 2018: A little of everything. Did the first workout of Smolov, although with the Thanksgiving holiday this week it's going to be hard to get three squat sessions in; I'll do a second one on Sunday, but my calendar alignment is a little off.

Barbell back squat: 10xbar, 10x135, 8x225, 8x225, 8x225, 5x245, 2x265, 2x265, 1x280
Bench press: 10xbar, 8x145, 8x145, 8x145,  5x165, 2x185, 2x185, 1x205
1-leg (right leg only) leg extension: 30x90, 20x90, 15x90
Triceps extension: 15x65, 15x75
Single-leg hammer curl: 10x35, 10x35, 10x35, 10x35

Weight is 235, which is kinda shitty since I'd gotten it down to the mid 220s over the summer, but I haven't been running nearly as much since coming back from Europe and that's most likely the cause. Since I don't have much in the way of family-gathering plans for the holidays, I can get back on the chicken wagon after today. I am heading over to 3M's (yes, really1) for turkey overload this afternoon. Had originally thought I'd be skiing today, and even briefly planned to drive up and ski and still make it back in time for bird until I realized that I'd be tempting fate w.r.t. traffic and weather on the way back. So instead I am probably going to go do a couple hours on Milagra Ridge so that I'll feel like I've earned the right to stuff my face with eleventy billion calories.


  1. There are a surprising number of parallels between Thanksgiving last year and this year, so much so that when I got in the car to go buy the groceries for the dessert I'm bringing, I started cracking up. Last fall I was dating someone. That person also unexpectedly FZ'd me via text message. We had Thanksgiving dinner together, although in that case I invited her and it was at my mom's house. This year, the FZ'er invited me, and it's at her apartment with her and her roommate - but still... how the fuck does such an odd confluence of events happen to me two years in a row? Come on, universe, that's just over the top, even for you.
    Of course, if we want to keep going with this parallel rabbit hole, the situation last year actually did proceed in a positive direction, although it still came to an end due to the long-distance element. There is no long-distance element in this year's scenario. Does that mean that the story will have a different ending? Probably not, but at this point I am not even making a quarter-ass attempt to predict the future.