Chapter N+1: The Great Relocation

I really thought I'd be better about keeping this updated after the previous entry, yet it just didn't happen, which is no different than every other entry I've made here after an extended absence. I'd like to go back and revisit the things which took place between Panama and today, including my Ozora trip and the IPO, but at this point I think the bigger news is that I'm really leaving California.  Two days from now, I'll be packing as much shit as I can into my car and making the drive to Denver as part of phase 1 of what I'm calling "The Great Relocation."

I'm not even sure what I want to say about it all. There's so much to look forward to in getting out of California. I have a great group of friends in Denver, the cost of living isn't stupid like it is here, it's closer to skiing, and I'll be keeping my same job and just switching to a full-time remote role. These were all the reasons that I chose Denver in the first place, and then in the last few weeks, one more appeared. I was joking in the previous entry that I should reactivate my OKC profile in CO and see who might be out there, but I did exactly that, and roughly a month ago, I met someone. Then, a couple weeks ago, I took an unscheduled trip to Denver to meet her in person, and it went better than I could have imagined.  Like, holy shit, even.  So, there's that.  Obviously, I have no idea how that's all going to go in the end, considering that technically we've only had one date, but it's nice to have that excitement and hope flowing through my synapses. I have a good feeling about it, but we all know that I've had good feelings before and been wrong. I'm not even going to say anything like, "But this time it's different," because I really have no clue, and I know that I have no clue. About all I can say is that I don't feel any reservations. So if it crashes and burns and fails miserably, it won't be for lack of trying. And if it turns into kittens and rainbows?  Hey, I'll take it.

I should be packing, not writing.  I still have two more speakers and a bunch of wall art to take down.  It's funny that I don't even want to listen to myself right now. I just want to get out of this transitionary period and be done with the move.

More later. Maybe.