LiveJournal Project - May 2005

Last month we dropped 12 pounds in 19 days, and here we unloaded another 11 in 18 days - proof that the chicken is a powerful thing. Cluck cluck, mothercluckers!

LiveJournal Project - May 2005

Hey, more chicken, and the end of another school year. Largely a waste of a month with respect to any real updates - just trying to drop poundage.

Date: 2005-05-01 03:25
Subject: PSMF redux (day 1)
yeah, i'm doing it again - it worked so well the first time, i figured i'd do another 2.5-week cycle and see if i could get down into the 230s, particularly given that we're planning to head to vegas around the middle of the month and i'll be most likely stuffing myself like a pig while up there anyway.

starting weight: 249.0
total protein: 248g
total calories: 1515 (too high!)

meal 1: protein shake + 2EFA + vitamin + 1g glut + 450g gluc + 35mg phentermine = 585c / 85g
meals 2 and 3: chicken + FF cheese x 2 + salad + vitamin + 450g gluc + 2EFA = 650c / 120g
meal 4: tuna + FF cheese + salad = 280c / 43g

Date: 2005-05-02 00:59
Subject: PSMF redux (day 2)
total calories: 1355
total protein: 183g

meal 1: burger + FF cheese + salad + vitamin + 2EFA + 450g gluc + 35mg phen = 420c / 49g
meal 2: protein shake + 2EFA + 1g glut + 450g gluc = 585c / 85g
meal 3: ground cow + FF cheese + broccoli + 2EFA + vitamin + 450g gluc = 350c / 49g

Time: 17:42
Subject: PSMF redux (day 3)
starting weight: 246.0
total calories: 1390
total protein: 213g

meal 1: tuna + ff cheese + LC tortilla + vitamin + 2EFA + 1g glut + 450g gluc = 335c / 45g
meal 2: 1lb chicken + ff cheese + salad + 2EFA + 450g gluc = 520c / 97g
meal 3: steak + peppers + onions + vitamin + 450g gluc = 535c / 71g

Time: 17:57
Subject: your debt to society will never be paid.
full story here:

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Spurred by the killing of a 9-year-old girl, Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday signed a law imposing tougher penalties on child molesters and requiring many of those released from prison to wear satellite tracking devices for the rest of their lives.

i just don't understand. yeah, child molestation is bad. yeah, the people who do it should go to jail. but the idea that molesters should be forced to wear GPS tracking devices for the rest of their lives just strikes me as incredibly orwellian. (there's bush country for you - who gives a rat's ass about civil liberties?!) whatever happened to the idea that once you paid your debt to society, you were a free person again and could go out into the world and try to put your past behind you? if the lawmakers are so damn concerned about recidivism among child molesters, then they should just put the fuckers in jail for life and be done with it - none of this "oh, we're letting you out, but we'll have our EYE on you, buddy" shit like they already do with the sex-offender notification and now this latest development in florida. but it's FOR THE CHILDREN, they say... bollocks. you can bet your ass that within a few years this program will be expanded to other classes of criminal and eventually to the rest of us, to the point where it will probably BE criminal to not have one. fuck, some places already have a new kind of car insurance which relies on an installed tracking device in your car to determine your driving habits. i don't know about the rest of you, but where i am at any given time is nobody's fucking business.

Date: 2005-05-03 17:27
Subject: PSMF redux (day 4)
come on, say it with me now... I LOVE CHICKEN!!! (well, i need to keep telling myself that...)

starting weight: 243.2
total protein: 265g
total calories: 2665c

meal 1: protein shake + vitamin + 450g gluc = 585c / 85g
meal 2: 1lb chicken + FF cheese x 2 + LC tortilla + 450g gluc = 580c / 105g
meal 3 (free meal #1): frozen pizza + vitamin + 450g gluc = 1500c / 75g

Date: 2005-05-04 12:35
Subject: PSMF redux (day 5)
starting weight: 245.0
total calories: ????
total protein: ???

meal 1: tuna + FF cheese + LC tortilla + vitamin + 450g gluc + 35g phen = 335/45
meal 2 (free meal #2) sushi + vitamin = ????/???

workout - upper body - too lazy to type it in.

Date: 2005-05-05 17:02
Subject: PSMF redux (day 6)
starting weight: 245.6
total calories: 1145
total protein: 194g

meal 1: protein shake + vitamin + 450g gluc = 525c / 82g
meal 2: 1lb chicken + broccoli + peppers + vitamin + 450g gluc + 1g glut = 440c / 92g
meal 3: steak + 450g gluc = 180c / 20g

Date: 2005-05-06 23:17
Subject: PSMF redux (day 7)
starting weight: 244.4
total calories: 1595
total protein: 205.5

meal 1: protein shake + 450g gluc = 525c / 82g
meal 2: burger + peppers + FF cheese + salad + 450g gluc = 425c / 55g
meal 3: chicken + FF cheese + 450g gluc = 270c / 51g
meal 4: 1/4 frozen pizza + 450g gluc = 375c / 17.5g

Date: 2005-05-07 14:21
Subject: PSMF redux (day 8)
starting weight: 242.0
total protein: 161g
total calories: 1124

meal 1: omelet + 450g gluc + 35mg phen = 300c / 40g
meal 2: PSMF-style burritos + salad + 450g gluc + vitamin = 574c / 66g
meal 3: chicken + FF cheese + 450g gluc = 250c / 55g

Date: 2005-05-08 00:07
Subject: send me your MONEY!!!
in the grand tradition of and all those other completely retarded cyber-begging websites, the stupidity of which is only outmatched by the lack of intellectual capacity present in anyone that might actually give money to said fraudsters, azjournal brings you the story of "young, broke, and in love."

i post this link here not to give publicity, because i think that people on my friends list (at least i'd like to think so) are smart enough to see bullshit when it's dropped in front of them, but so you can see for yourself...

also, it's possible that by the time you read this post that the entry which i find so offensive may have been deleted by the mods -- but basically this is the story of some 19 or 20 y/o girl that's got it bad for some guy in hawaii (or some shit) and she doesn't have the money to go visit. so she's begging all of us for some assistance.

i guess that's the american way these days. if you want something that you don't have the resources to get, and you can't beg for it from mommy and daddy, why go out and get a job? you can always find some way to attempt to milk the public for a few extra bones - whether it be by posting some terrible sob story on the internet or by finding a finger in your chili (just make sure that the cops don't find out that you actually put it there!) or some equally inane-but-yet-sufficient-as-to-get-some-poor-sap-to-fall-for-it scheme. give me a fucking break. i've been wanting to comment back to this person but i've yet to come up with anything to say that i considered harsh enough.

there are people starving on the streets in this country, and we're expected to send some dumb bimbo to hawaii to get some action before her marine boyfriend goes off to afghanistan. sorry, but if i'm going to donate any of my money to charity, i'd prefer to send it to someone that actually NEEDS it.

Time: 18:33
Subject: PSMF redux (day 9)
starting weight: 240.4
total protein: 220g
total calories: 1220

meal 1: omelet + 450g gluc + 35mg phen + vitamin = 300c / 40g
meal 2: chicken + salad + 450g gluc + vitamin = 290c / 50g
meal 3: chicken = 450c / 85g
meal 4: protein shake + vitamin + 450g gluc = 180c / 45g

workout - hammer strength row, db bench, lat pulldown, preacher curl, tricep pressdown, ball crunches, and rotator cuff work.

Date: 2005-05-09 15:50
Subject: PSMF redux (day 10)
starting weight: 239.4 (wooooo!!!!)
total calories: 1775
total protein: 126g

meal 1 (free meal #1): frozen pizza + 450g gluc + vitamin + 35mg phen = 1500c / 75g
meal 2: chicken + FF cheese + broccoli + 450g gluc + vitamin + 2EFA = 275c / 51g

Time: 17:30
Subject: interesting... stolen from femmdraven
i'd say some of this is dead-on balls-accurate, but that line about "you care about society and morality" is a bunch of bollocks.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore.
In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.

Date: 2005-05-10 15:17
Subject: PSMF redux (day 11)
starting weight: 239.6
total calories: 1365
total protein: 149g

meal 1: protein bar + milk = 300c / 24g
meal 2: ground cow + FF cheese + salad + vitamin + 2EFA + 450g gluc + 35mg phen = 415c / 55g
meal 3: tuna + LC tortilla + FF cheese + 2EFA + 450g gluc + vitamin = 350c / 46g
meal 4: protein bar + milk = 300c / 24g

Time: 16:41
Subject: end of semester update...
school's out yet again - well, it has been now since friday, as that was the day of my last exam, so now i've got a couple months of free time to work on projects, try to avoid forgetting all of the japanese i've learned so as to not fuck up when i take 202 during second summer session, and get my ass to the gym. grades this semester aren't up yet, but based on all the available information, i'm expecting one A (in japanese) and two A+'s (constitutional law, java). if it all happens as planned, i'll move out of the "cum laude" and into the "magna cum laude" range as far as graduation goes, but i'd still like to get out of ASU with at least a 3.7 - i think that's well within range provided that i just keep getting A's.

results came back for the writing contest that i entered last month - it was sponsored by the asu chapter of pi sigma alpha (political science honor society) - i don't think they got that many entries, but one of them came from some fellow named ryan davis, who apparently, inasmuch as he got accepted to harvard's phd program, is the political science department's star graduating senior. i think everyone that knew him expected him to win, and win he did. i don't know where my entry finished, whether it was second, third, or somewhere in the bottom of the pile, although for my own edification, i'm in the midst of trying to find out. i'm not really all that bummed out about not winning - certainly, i don't like to lose, and it would have been nice to have pulled off the upset and knocked the guy off, but i also know that the paper i turned in didn't represent my best work, so i really shouldn't have expected to win against that kind of competition, and the paper that i would have preferred to enter is 7 years old and probably outdated. it also would have been nice to actually have met or had a class with this guy at some point during the last couple years, if for no other reason than to have a little bit of faith restored in the caliber of students that attend ASU. it's nice to have smart people in my classes, particularly those that are discussion/theory-oriented (i don't give two shits about CSE 200) -- i wish it happened more often.

i managed to get into the internet-based section of REL 390 for 1st summer session, so that saves me from having to take my bridge class in the fall, and it still gives me 5 weeks of not having to trek down to campus. so for the summer, it'll be that, JPN 202, and then i'll have officially completed all of the requirements for both of my majors. fall semester will be some classes for fun and also to further attempt to improve my chances at getting in to grad school, and then we're done. it certainly will have taken long enough.

the LSAT is june 6th. must get 175 or better.

i suppose it's also not too early to start thinking about my grad school applications, since those tend to be due in mid-december. man, it just never ends. so much to do....

Date: 2005-05-11 16:59
Subject: PSMF redux (day 12)
starting weight: 239.6
total protein: ??? (>85g)
total calories: ???? (>480)

meal 1: steak + broccoli + 2EFA + vitamin + 35mg phen + 450g gluc = 300c / 40g
meal 2 (free meal 2): lasagna + salad + bread + 2EFA + 450g gluc + 2g glut = ???? / ???

bike - 5min warmup
hammer strength row: 80x10, 140x10, 170x6, 170x6
db bench: 50x10, 75x10, 90x6, 90x4
hammer strength high row: 100x10, 120x10, 150x6, 150x6
tricep pressdown: 145x10, 145x10, 145x7
preacher curl: 45x10, 65x6, 65x3
45-degree lateral raise: 10x10, 10x15, 10x20
6-pack: 2x10 seconds
squat: 135x10, 225x10
abs: 100x10, 100x10
bike - 5min cooldown

meal 3: protein shake + vitamin + 2EFA + 2g glut + 450g gluc = 180c / 45g

Date: 2005-05-12 18:20
Subject: PSMF redux (day 13)
starting weight: 241.6
total protein: 141
total calories: 1185

meal 1: steak + peppers + mushrooms + onions + 2EFA + vitamin + 35mg phen + 2g glut + 450g gluc = 535/71
meal 2: tuna + FF cheese + LC tortilla + 2EFA + vitamin + 450g gluc + 2g glut + 400mg SAMe = 350/45
meal 3: protein bar + milk = 300/25

Date: 2005-05-13 04:58
Subject: i wonder what the pro-lifers think about this?
original post courtesy of dc-stuff mailing list...

Your police force at work, folks. Orz, motherfucker, orz:

'But King County sheriff's Sgt. Donald Davis, who works on the county's Taser policy, said the use of force is a balancing act for law enforcement.

"It just doesn't look good to the public," he said.
"Obviously, (law enforcement agencies) don't want to use a Taser on young children, pregnant woman or elderly people," Davis said. "But if in your policy you deliberately exclude a segment of the population, then you have potentially closed off a tool that could have ended a confrontation.'

Charge: "Refusing to obey an officer". Guilty, natch. The most telling bit comes at the end:

'Davis said Tasers remain a valuable tool, and that situations like Brooks' are avoidable.

"I know the Taser is controversial in all these situations where it seems so egregious," he said. "Why use a Taser in a simple traffic stop? Well, the citizen has made it more of a problem. It's no longer a traffic stop. This is now a confrontation."'

Translation: It's the "citizen's" fault. Citizen, you orz. You orz on command, or Pig shock you. Pig bust you. Pig kill you. Pig eat you, if Pig want, 'coz you Pig food. Pig 0wn you. Pig orz you.

Innit great?

Date: 2005-05-14 03:43
Subject: PSMF redux (day 14)
starting weight: 240.2
total protein: 232g
total calories: 1275

meal 1: protein shake + 450mg gluc + 400mg SAMe + vitamin + 2EFA + 35mg phen = 525 / 82g
meal 2: chicken + 450mg gluc + 2g glut + 400mg SAMe + 2EFA = 450/100g
meal 3: chicken + salad +vitamin + 450mg gluc + 400mg SAMe + 2EFA = 300 /50g

Date: 2005-05-15 01:18
Subject: PSMF redux (day 15)
starting weight: 238.2
total protein: 166g
total calories: 1340

meal 1: eggs + fake sausage + vitamin + 450g gluc + 2EFA + 400mg SAMe + 35mg phen = 430/57
meal 2: ground cow + FF cheese + salad + 450g gluc + 2g glut + 2EFA + 400mg SAMe = 410/49
meal 3: tuna n' stuff + 450g gluc + 2EFA + 400mg SAMe + vitamin = 500/60

Date: 2005-05-16 06:46
Subject: PSMF redux (day 16)
starting weight: 238.2
total protein: ???
total calories: ????

meal 1: protein shake + vitamin + 450g gluc + 2EFA + 400mg SAMe + 35mg phen = 525 / 82
meal 2 (free meal #1) : pizza + 450g gluc + 2EFA + 400mg SAMe = ???? / ??

hammer strength row: 80x10, 140x10, 180x6, 180x6
db bench: 50x10, 75x10, 90x6, 90x4
hammer strength front pulldown: 80x10, 140x10, 180x6, 180x6
tricep pressdown: 145x10, 145x10, 145x10
preacher curl: 45x10, 65x6, 65x6
45 degree lateral raise: 10x15, 10x15, 10x15
6-pack - 2.5 x 2
rotator cuff internal / external
bike: 5 min
squat: 135x10, 225x14
seated calf raise: 50x20
bike: 6 min

meal 3: protein shake + vitamin + 450g gluc + 2EFA + 400mg SAMe = 270/68

Date: 2005-05-18 09:32
Subject: PSMF redux, ended... and some other random shit.
in about 5 hours, cory and i will be driving to vegas, and that officially spells the end of this incarnation of PSMF. final weight: 238, a drop of 11 pounds in 18 days, for a total loss of 23.4lbs from when all of this started in late march - not too shabby. of course, the next four days in vegas will be filled with steak and pasta and dessert and god-knows-what-else, but you know, i don't give a shit if it all goes straight to my ass.

saw VNV Nation last night... third time now that i've seen them in concert, and this show was a little different than the previous two. i didn't dance nearly as much as i did at the earlier shows, but i think the music affected me on a more emotional level this time around. during their rendition of "standing" i almost started crying; i don't know why or over what, and anyone that knows me even remotely well knows that i don't cry easily or often -- and never at movies or things of that sort -- hell, it's been a few years since my last eyeball leakage. and then, at the end of the show, after they played "beloved", they did an acapella audience sing-along at which i almost did it again. i can't explain it. to quote homer simpson... "i saw some weird stuff in that place last night... weird strange sick twisted eerie godless eeeeevil stuff!"

grades finally got posted... i got exactly what i thought i was going to get, no surprises. i need to get in touch with my con law prof to find out about doing some research with her in the fall.

the "asshat of the week" award goes to sayhi2jeni for her failure to realize that "are you an LMT?" is a perfectly valid question to ask in response to an ad for massage services and her subsequent complete lack of decorum in responding to said question. who would've thought that such a simple question would have turned into such a shitstorm? maybe i should get a massage while i'm in vegas, too; it'll be good for my shoulder. =/

time to pack and have some breakfast.

Date: 2005-05-22 11:15
Subject: vegas, recap
god, what a clusterfuck.

oh, and for anyone thinking about staying at the new wynn hotel, my advice is don't waste your money. they spent $2.7 billion on construction costs, yet the level of attention to detail was more along the lines of what you'd expect from a 1-star no-tell motel. carpet stains? paint on the walls? shoddy housekeeping? in a hotel that's less than a month old? what the hell is wrong with you, steve wynn? my angry rant will soon be gracing the mailbox of your customer relations department.