LiveJournal Project - May 2003

Thought I'd already done this one, but maybe I just read it... Man, getting old sucks. They say the vision is the first to go, but maybe it's the memory. I forget....

Date: 2003-05-03 13:46
Subject: yay and boo...
last night deadasleep and i went to a diamondbacks game. yay! they lost. boo! the seats were really good. yay! the guys behind us were drunken assholes. boo! ok, so that's the brief summary of my evening. so yeah, despite the boo parts, we both had a good time, and it was definitely cool to get a chance to catch up and hang out in an environment not filled with pounding, repetitive beats where all the little kiddies are sky high on some sort of neurochemical enhancement, especially since we hadn't seen each other in about three years.

one other thing:at least based on my one experience there so far, pita jungle kinda sucks. i don't understand the fuss everyone makes over it. the food wasn't awful, but it was rather bland and tasteless, and that side of brown rice that i'd ordered really came back to haunt me at the d'backs game - can we say i was bloated like the michelin tire man? ugh.

in other news - the quote of the day comes from _purpleglitter_: "when you're awakened to your dumbness, you feel stupid."

and finally... it has come to my attention that certain people are being lame-asses and backing out or trying to back out of the vegas trip set for later this month. this includes mindvirus, xianaz, and probably some others who are going to be equally lame but just haven't admitted to it yet. at least katryn has a somewhat plausible excuse with her knee surgery. but the rest of you? a pox on all your houses! =P

Date: 2003-05-05 11:15
Subject: we need a sushi night!!!
it looks like school is going to be out soon for mindvirus and _purpleglitter_, and spacekadette has already finished the semester. since it seems that not everyone is going to be going to vegas for tiesto come this memorial day (booooooooo!!!) i think we should at least have some sort of gathering filled with biomass and liquid refreshment (a.k.a alcohol) sometime soon to commemorate the event. that, and, well, it just sounds like a good excuse to get a bunch of people together and eat something and potentially drink ourselves stupid. =)

so.... this is especially directed towards people like katryn and xianaz who don't seem to be seen very much, but all are encouraged to respond if they'd be up for such an undertaking... what day would be good for everyone? friday? saturday? some other day?

and yes, i know that asu doesn't officially end the semester until the last day of finals, which is a week from wednesday (the 14th) but who says we have to wait until then - we know the day's going to get here, so let's enjoy it a little early.

one more thing - if there's sufficient interest in something non-sushi-like (or sufficient disinterest in sushi?) alternate suggestions for places to go are also welcome.

Date: 2003-05-06 16:51
Subject: the matrix has you, neo...
so we all know that "matrix reloaded" is coming out next week. the first showing is at 10pm on wednesday, the 14th at various theatres around town. i just got my tickets for the showing at chandler fashion center. so if anyone cares to join me, make sure you take the red pill, not the blue pill, and let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Date: 2003-05-08 13:33
Subject: sushi night, redux
ok, so i guess the plan is for tomorrow evening mayhem. i've got definite yes replies from lilredravingurl, which i assume also includes djskott, katryn (and az_r2d1 as well, i'd guess?), mindvirus and _purpleglitter_. nichiyume seems to have given a potential yes, and spacekadette can't make it. and, as usual, xianaz has failed to make any comment at all.

so... that looks like there will be 7 of us, possibly 8. so, right now i'm thinking tomorrow, 6pm, kona grill at chandler mall. i'm open to alternative suggestions if y'all would prefer somewhere else. anyway, reply here if you're definitely coming or definitely not coming, and if you have any opinion on choice of restaurant so i can get us a table.

on another note, ravyn's movie reviews:

X2: good flick, great special effects, and definitely better than the first X-Men flick. i think one could get away with seeing this film without seeing the first one beforehand, and you don't really need to know a lot about the whole X-Men story to enjoy it as a good mindless action movie. besides, i learned more about some of the secondary characters from reading movie reviews than i did from the movie anyway.

Hi, Dharma!: got this one from netflix - it's in korean, with english subtitles, and it's about a bunch of gangsters that hide out at a monastery. sounds kinda wacky? actually it turned out to be a pretty good movie. parts of it are pretty funny, and there's even a good display of kung fu at a couple points. this isn't one that will be in the theatres, obviously, but if you have a chance to rent it, it's worth picking up.

Chasing Sleep: another one from the indie section of netflix. i'm in the process of watching it right now, and it's made absolutely no sense, but as near as i can tell, the main character is going slowly insane from lack of sleep, and maybe he's killed his wife and maybe he hasn't, but damn if there isn't a lot of pill-swallowing going on in this movie. the bloody fetus-half-person in the bathtub and the crawling finger just add to the confusion. not recommended unless you like REALLY STRANGE film, and even then, unlike Donnie Darko, this movie probably will not make more sense if you watch it a second time.
Mood: confused

Date: 2003-05-10 01:43
Subject: some of you suck ass!
cough nichiyume cough xianaz cough.

next time you're not going to show up to something that you've said you're going to show up to, have the courtesy to call. or better yet, don't say you're coming in the first place.
Mood: annoyed

Time: 10:27
Subject: dammit dammit sonofabitch!!
let it be known to the world that i officially fucking HATE srp, also known as salt river project, also known as the fucking electric company. several times this week, all during morning hours, usually when i'm at the gym, my power has gone out. sometimes it's only been out for a couple minutes (since my servers were still running and hadn't exhausted the batteries in the UPSes) and other times it's been out for longer. well, today, when i happen to be HOME and trying to DO STUFF, the power goes out. ok, fine. a few minutes later, it comes back on. no problem, right? maybe, if that was the only thing that had happened. over the last 2 hours, my power's been off and on at least 6 or 7 times, and it seems to be staying off just long enough for my battery backup on my main server to run out of juice, thus causing it to power down. fuckin' christ, people! if my shit goes down and i lose data, i swear i'm going to go kick someone's ass. if the power has to go out, then keep it out for a little while, get it back on, and leave it alone. but this is nuts. i think i'll be paying a visit to the neighbor's house later today to find out if they're having the same problems.

bloody bastards. right now i am one angry ravyn. (but not as angry as i would be if my power was currently out. gah!)
Mood: angry

Date: 2003-05-16 14:30
Subject: shit doesn't just happen. shit takes time. shit takes effort.
the uneventful events of the week:

  • saw 'matrix reloaded' twice this week. for people who haven't seen it, i'm not going to discuss the movie here, except to say that it is better the second time around and things start to make a lot more sense. don't forget to stick around through all the ending credits so you can see a short trailer from 'matrix revolutions', coming out in november. i'll be curious to see if the story in revolutions turns out to be what i think it's going to be.
  • going to see the diamondbacks play the pirates this evening with _purpleglitter_ - i don't know if we're more interested in seeing the game or just getting a diamond dog. ever since the last game i went to, i've had a craving for a ballpark hotdog - and no, i don't mean a ball park frank that you can buy in the grocery store. it just ain't the same thing. besides, hot dogs aren't exactly good for you anyway, and i'd wonder about the state of my arteries if i bought a whole pack in the first place.
  • happy birthday to katryn, psylence, and teknotoy. yeah, so i'm late with two of these, but shit happens.
  • one week to vegas! all of you that aren't going will be missing out on one hell of an adventure in insanity, neurochemical engineering, and b00bs. and blackjack, too, most likely. it is vegas, after all.

and finally, i think the batteries in my wireless keyboard are giving out. oh, will the excitement never end?!
Mood: weeeeee?!

Date: 2003-05-27 17:14
Subject: vegas?!
so, i just got home from vegas a couple hours ago, having spent the weekend up there with _purpleglitter_, djskott, lilredravingurl, and ben, who has no livejournal. about all i can really say is that it was an interesting weekend. the tiesto show at mandalay bay was excellent, even though it was pretty fuckin' crowded. i think he put on a better show when i saw him at amnesia in ibiza last year, but he didn't disappoint at all. not to mention the girls who were dancing on stage - they were all quite boobilicious. didn't win any money playing blackjack - i think the most i was ever ahead was about $600, and that's really no fun at all. so instead, i paid my vegas tax and ensured that the next time i head up there i'll have more hookups for free shit at the bellagio. made sure to take full advantage of the free shit this time around - i think cory and i put away about $500 in free food, plus we more or less emptied the minibar, including snaking a couple of bottles of belvedere vodka which were supposed to be $15 each. wooo! there were parts of the trip, however, which were rather annoying. first on that list would be the fuckass waiter we had at the japanese restaurant on friday night. tony from honolulu was a complete dink, and more or less ignored our table all night, except when he took our drink orders and brought us our check. hello, fuckass! did it ever occur to you that we might need refills on our drinks?? so i ended up writing a nasty note on the bill:

"while the food was excellent as always, your performance as a server was abysmal. next time, pay attention to ALL your tables, not just the ones with an overabundance of cleavage."

next on that list would be ben and his lameness. not only did he get trashed and sleep through the tiesto show, he pretty much avoided everyone for the whole duration of the trip. we got in friday night, and at about 11pm cory and i were ready to go get our party on, but what does ben do? decides to go to his hotel and sleep. so he ends up being awake during the day when cory and i are sleeping. what the hell's up with that? vegas is not a daytime city, especially during the summer when it's 100+ degrees outside. ben talks a good game about wanting to party and have a good time and all that shit, but when it comes time to put up or shut up, he just can't hang. all gust and no gusto. so i'm not too thrilled about that - especially since this is now the second time that ben's gone to vegas with us. scott and lisa had never been to vegas before, and i don't think they really knew what to do with themselves and were looking to cory and i for direction. only problem is, they both tended to be really indecisive as to what they wanted to do, and they didn't have any money for gambling, which is something that cory and i usually do a good amount of. scott had a good time at tiesto and said that he was impressed, but lisa just seemed to stand there in some sort of apoplectic boredom, not dancing, not smiling, not even bopping her head to the beats. i don't understand. i hope they both had a good time, but from outward appearances it would seem to me that only scott really enjoyed himself at all. unfortunately, too, we didn't make it to a strip club - we were going to go on saturday night, but my stomach had other ideas. all in all, it wasn't the most fun i've had in vegas, but it wasn't a clusterfuck either. i didn't get too many pictures of the tiesto outing, but there are a few available here: Nah, not worth even adding one. -Ed.
Music: Rank 1 vs. Kylie Minogue - Airwaves Never Die
Mood: tired