LiveJournal Project - March 2004

Skiing and random commentary on the absurd marks the March 2004 edition of ravyn440's LiveJournal.

LiveJournal Project - March 2004

Great quote this month.

Date: 2004-03-03 10:50
Subject: the quote of the day, courtesy of t3knomanser

People, remember this. You misquoting-misrepresenting pigfuckers can disagree all you want, but Christ was an anarchist. He said the law was full of crap, and the only way out was to follow his example- not follow his exact steps or words- follow his example. "Guys, chill out. You're smart enough to know right from wrong without a list of it. Relax, use your head, and when in doubt, do as I do man. And always toke-toke-pass. Don't bogart the reefer."

Date: 2004-03-04 20:28
Subject: watch out for them bluehairs!
Seniors brawl after dispute at salad bar

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - A dispute at the salad bar turned into a food fracas at an upscale retirement home, with a man taking a bite out of another's arm and other residents suffering minor injuries.

Police said resident Lee Thoss, 62, of the Spring Haven Retirement Community was picking through the lettuce, which disgusted 86-year-old William Hocker, who was standing in line behind him. Hocker told Thoss no one wanted to eat food he had been playing with. Thoss yelled and cursed at him, Hocker told police, and Hocker called him a nasty name. Then, witnesses said, Thoss then began punching Hocker in the face. In the buffet melee that followed, Allen Croft, 79, tried to grab Thoss, who bit him on the arm, reports said.

Date: 2004-03-09 03:10
Subject: hey kids, what time is it?
that's right, it's QUIZ time!
Quiz name: Claim Your Wings
Results: You are a PHOENIX in your soul and your wings make a statement. Huge and born of flame, they burn with light and power and rebirth. Ashes fall from your wingtips. You are an amazingly strong person. You survive, even flourish in adversity and hardship. A firm believer in the phrase, 'Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger,' you rarely fear failure. You know that any mistake you make will teach you more about yourself and allow you to 'rise from the ashes' as a still greater being. Because of this, you rarely make the same mistake twice, and are not among the most forgiving people. You're extremely powerful and wise, and are capable of fierce pride, passion, and anger. Perhaps you're this way because you were forced to survive a rough childhood. Or maybe you just have a strong grasp on reality and know that life is tough and the world is cruel, and it takes strength and independence to survive it. And independence is your strongest point - you may care for others, and even depend on them...but when it comes right down to it, the only one you need is yourself. Thus you trust your own intuition, and rely on a mind almost as brilliant as the fire of your wings to guide you. You are eternal and because you have a strong sense of who and what you are, no one can control your heart or mind, or even really influence your thinking. A symbol of rebirth and renewal, you tend to be a very spiritual person with a serious mind - never acting immature and harboring a superior disgust of those who do. Likewise, humanity's stupidity and tendency to want others to solve their problems for them frustrates you endlessly. Though you can be stubborn, outspoken, and haughty, I admire you greatly.
Maybe this is still true. Not so sure. -Ed.

Date: 2004-03-10 07:46
Subject: attention psytrance fans!
so i've finally gotten around to recording a new demo - all psytrance, all CD... it's got a couple of rough spots, but if you've got time to take a listen, feedback is appreciated. here's a link: (nope...)

and here's a track listing...

  1. Psycraft - Nothing But Music
  2. Astrix & Domestic - Massive Activity
  3. Space Buddha - Storm Reaction
  4. 1200 Mics - Acid For Nothing
  5. Protoculture - Avalon
  6. Protoculture - Peekaboo
  7. Protoculutre - Figa Fee
  8. Space Buddha - Exceptional Insight
  9. Psydrop - Fear & Loathing
  10. Deeper in Zen - Kontinuous
  11. Dynamo - Spun Dry

Date: 2004-03-19 16:17
Subject: squaw! squaw! (say it out loud, like you're a bird)
if you've read _purpleglitter_'s journal, you'd know that we went skiing this week, this time heading off to squaw valley usa on the northern shore of lake tahoe, and i'm happy to report that it was a success. unlike the previous two trips to heavenly, there were no issues with my boots (i.e., boots being ridiculously small for my feet and hurting so damn much that all i wanted to do was throw them off the mountain). unlike our previous trip to sunrise, there was no torn ankle ligament thanks to a failed attempt at snowboarding. there was, unfortunately, an unpleasant head/chest cold that i took with me on the trip which prevented me from doing anything on the first day except staying in bed and sleeping while cory went out and played in the white stuff. on the second day, i still wasn't feeling 100% and had considered saying fuck it all and going home early, but there wouldn't really be any fun in that, and since i'd already paid for the trip it seemed reasonable that i ought to do my best to at least make an effort to get in one day of skiing.

it was indeed a good decision, made immediately better by the fact that the equipment rental place actually gave me boots that fit. apparently, the last two places that i've gotten boots from didn't hear me correctly when i told them that my shoe size is 13. one rental place gave me boots for a size 12.5, and then when i actually went and bought a pair of boots, the fuckhole sold me a pair that was a size 12. i don't know how the hell i even managed to get my feet in them - but yeah, does anyone need a pair of once-used size 12 ski boots? anyway, with my feet nice and comfortable inside the plastic shells, we went up the mountain. and you know what? this skiing stuff isn't that hard. sure, i've got a long way to go before i can ski the black diamonds, and my fear of heights still makes me look at the blues with a bit of squawking poultry in my heart, but compared to all the previous times that i've tried this winter-sport shit, this trip i actually felt like i knew what i was doing. yeah, i fell a few times, but those were either because i tried to do something i wasn't ready for (like take jumps on a terrain park or go down a blue-rated slope) or because i was getting tired at the end of the day and reverted back to my old ways of going straight, really, really fast.

can't really complain about anything else on the trip aside from being sick. i wouldn't have expected a small ski resort that's 50 miles away from any reasonable-sized city to have good sushi, but we had dinner at the japanese restaurant (well, mostly sushi, but they had a few non-fish items on the menu for the anti-sushi crowd) at the village and it was actually REALLY good. how can you go wrong with sushi rolls with names like the "stop, drop and roll" and the "heads will roll". well, actually the stop, drop and roll wasn't too spectacular (i was expecting it to be really hot, given what was in it) and i didn't try the heads, but the other rolls i had were excellent, and not like anything i'd seen on any menus here in town.

for anyone interested, pictures are here.

Date: 2004-03-22 20:36
Subject: bringin' the psy goodness!
guess who's going to be playing the opening slot on the second stage at toon in this weekend? yeah, that's right, kids, none other than yours truly - bringin' the psychedelic assault to the masses. wooo! i have five days to figure out what the hell i'm going to play. so much psytrance, so little time....
Music: psytrance, of course
Mood: stoked

Date: 2004-03-25 17:39
Subject: appease my ass.
if you've been following the news lately, you'd probably know that in spain, voters ousted prime minister jose maria aznar following a train bombing in madrid, and as a result, various conservative pundits have been accusing the spanish of appeasing the terrorists and islamic radicals, particularly given the PM-elect's pledge to pull the spanish troops out of iraq. this sort of recockulous arrogance is exactly the kind of behavior that leads to all manner of quagmires and catastrophes. those who toss around the "a-word" whenever there's a change in course don't seem to understand a fundamental key to life: we don't always make the right decisions the first time around. i find it really odd that the heckle brigades who would have zapatero branded a some sort of spineless coward don't even give the slightest heed to an alternate explanation: sending troops to iraq was a mistake, and now that mistake is to be corrected.

if one believes that it's a bad idea to have troops over there, how is the idea of keeping those troops over there a better choice than bringing them home? pundits with that kind of mindset are probably driving the bus straight to hell, assured that they can do no wrong, draw no incorrect conclusions, and make no mistakes, completely absorbed in their own self-righteousness and unwilling to turn the wheel despite the oncoming cliff for fear of being called "chicken."

Date: 2004-03-27 11:57
Subject: the spirits told me there was a bomb...
FORT MYERS, Florida (AP) -- A self-described psychic's tip that a bomb might be on a plane prompted a search with bomb-sniffing dogs that turned up nothing suspicious, but forced the cancelation of the flight. American Airlines Flight 1304 at Southwest Florida International Airport was canceled Friday because some crew members had exceeded their work hours by the time the search was finished, officials said. The purported psychic's call was "unusual," conceded Doug Perkins, local administrator for the federal Transportation Security Administration director. "But in these times, we can't ignore anything. We want to take the appropriate measures," he said. None of the 128 passengers had boarded yet for the flight to Dallas when the search was ordered, Perkins said. TSA officials wouldn't say who the call came from or who received it. The passengers were placed on later flights, American Airlines officials said.

Date: 2004-03-29 02:49
Subject: cooked rice
national security advisor condoleeza rice says that she has "nothing to hide" when it comes to the 9/11 panel that's investigating the attacks, but she continues to refuse to testify in public. well, if she has nothing to hide, then why doesn't she testify - she'll have nothing to worry about. hell, if people can support the patriot act and other such invasions of privacy with the "if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't worry about government snooping" line, then i can use the same logic on know-nothing bureaucrats.