LiveJournal Project - April 2005

Lots of chicken. Chicken. More chicken.

Date: 2005-04-01 02:48
Subject: PSMF day 11
starting weight: 252.6
total calories: 1070
total protein: 191g

meal 1: large burger + 1 slice FF cheese + 2EFA + vitamin + 500g gluc. + 1g glut = 410c / 58g
meal 2: chicken + peppers + 2EFA + 500g gluc. + 1g glut = 100c / 25g
meal 3: chicken + lettuce + 2EFA + vitamin + 500g gluc. + 1g glut = 170c / 25g
meal 4: protein shake = 180c / 45g
meal 5: tuna + 1g glut. = 210c / 38g

Date: 2005-04-02 06:47
Subject: PSMF day 12
starting weight: 252.6
total calories: 1442
total protein: 202g

meal 1: protein shake: 180c / 45g
meal 2: steak + peppers + onions + vitamin + 2EFA + 500g gluc. + 1g glut. = 602c / 80g
meal 3: chicken + marinara + FF cheese + broccoli + 2EFA + 500g gluc. + 1g glut. = 450c / 62g
meal 4: protein bar + vitamin + 2EFA + 500g gluc. + 1g glut = 210c / 15g
Music: Covenant - Monochrome

Time: 23:15
Subject: PSMF day 13
starting weight: 252.6
total calories: 1282
total protein:191g
stuck at 252.6 for the past three days - i'm not sure exactly what that means, if it even means anything.

meal 1: protein shake + vitamin + 2EFA + 1g glut. + 500g gluc. = 180c/45g
meal 2: ground cow + FF cheese + marinara + 2EFA + 1g glut. + 500g gluc = 580c/65g

workout (pre-workout - 1g glut.):
bike: 5min warmup
hammer strength row: 120x10, 160x8, 200x4, 100x15
dumbbell bench: 55x10, 85x8, 110x4. 50x15
hammer strength lat pull: 120x10, 160x8, 200x5, 100x15
squat machine: 405x10, 675x10, 855x7
lying leg curl: 130x10, 140x8, 150x4
tricep pressdown: 145x8, 145x8, 145x8
preacher curl: 60x8, 75x5, 75x5
45-degree lateral raise: 5x10, 10x10, 10x10
6-pack: 1

meal 3 (post workout): MRP shake + 2EFA + 1g glut + 500g gluc = 290c/42g
meal 4: tuna + lettuce + 11 croutons + 2EFA + 1g glut + 500g gluc + vitamin = 232c / 39g
Music: 12 Moons - Invisible Light

Date: 2005-04-04 22:17
Subject: PSMF day 14/15
starting weight: 249.6
total calories: ????
total protein: ???

because of my fucked-up sleep schedule, days 14 (sunday) and 15 (monday) have kinda blended together.

so, as it turns out, after reading the PSMF book (yes, there is one) i'm actually allowed to have two free meals per week, rather than what i had been planning to do (1 per every 10lbs lost). i expect that this will make the whole ordeal considerably more bearable, although i suppose i might be better off not having both free meals in the same day. =/

meal 1: protein shake + 2EFA + vitamin + 500g gluc. + 1g glut = 180c/45g
meal 2: pizza!
meal 3: rest of pizza! + 2EFA + 500g gluc. + 1g glut.

18 min. bike
20 min. arctrainer (yup, my knee is still jacked)
ab machine: 100x20

meal 4: protein shake + broccoli (yeah, i know...) + vitamin + 2EFA + 1g glut + 700g gluc = 180c / 45g
meal 5: protein shake = 180c / 45g
meal 6: chicken + FF cheese + marinara = 260 / 40g

Date: 2005-04-08 02:26
Subject: PSMF day 18
starting weight: 249.4
total calories: 1080
total protein: 187g

meal 1: burger + FF cheese + broccoli + vitamin + 2EFA + 450g gluc + 1g glut = 350c / 47g
meal 2: energy bar + 2EFA + 450g gluc + 1g glut = 210c / 15g
meal 3: protein shake = 180c / 45g
meal 4: chicken + FF cheese + vitamin + 2EFA + 450g gluc + 1g glut = 160c / 35
meal 5: protein shake = 180c / 45g

Time: 16:48
Subject: PSMF conclusion
i've decided to take a short break from this. the final results - i dropped 12.4lbs (final weight 249.0) in 19 days. i could keep going, and indeed i would still like to shed some additional pounds, but i'm tired of not being able to eat things like bread, rice, and pasta, and i'd rather go to the gym more than just two days per week. besides, one can eat only so much chicken. so, i think the plan is going to be to eat normally for the next week with a full-volume lifting routine and then start it all up again for another 3 weeks - and then repeat the off/on cycle until either i just can't or don't want to do it any more or i reach my desired goal. assuming (and this may be a big assumption) that each 3 week cycle leads to a drop of 12lbs, i'll be done sometime in july.

Time: 17:08
Subject: weird ass dreams - or, out, demon, out i say!
last night i found myself having an incredibly bizarre dream, in which i was doing battle with some sort of demon that had at least managed to partially possess my consciousness. i remember being in a room, aware that there was a foreign presence in my mind which was clouding my senses and trying to isolate my body from the world, and trying to do all kinds of things to get the bloody thing to leave. the strange thing is that it hadn't really "taken over" - it was just there, and had subverted / trapped my own consciousnes in some sort of internal mental prison. so in this dream, i'm beating my hands on a dresser, punching walls, trying to restore sensory input, get feeling back into my body and to bring my own consciousness to the surface and drown out the invader, and as this is happening, i'm screaming "get out! get the fuck out!!" in a voice that i recognized as my own but that doesn't sound at all like me. and then i see that my body is encased in a sort of black goo - and with the screams and the pounding, i was slowly managing to poke my head out. someone was in the room with me; i don't recall who it was - (i remembered at the time i woke up but have since forgotten) trying to help, but she (i remember at least that it was female) wasn't really having any success. more pounding, more screaming, more attempting to focus myself to get rid of the thing, and then i woke up, rather startled.

so what does it mean? am i in a battle with the forces of darkness for my eternal soul? did i win? (i suppose we'll never know for sure, since i woke up before i'd completely booted the bloody thing out.) is there some metaphor for my life to be read from all of this - maybe the attempt to escape boredom and stagnation and get away from things that may hold me back? or is it just a case of "don't drink protein shakes before bed" ??

Date: 2005-04-12 18:28
Subject: baa baa baa!

  • Reply to this message telling me which of these 20 artists you have also seen.
  • Take the ones from my list that you have seen, and post them in your own LJ.
  • Add more until you have 20.

(listed in no particular order)

1.) Queensryche
2.) Rush
3.) Moody Blues
4.) Sting
5.) Concrete Blonde
6.) Single Gun Theory
7.) Sarah McLachlan
8.) October Project
9.) Weird Al Yankovic
10.) The Monkees
11.) Keiko Matsui
12.) Yanni (no, i'm not ashamed to admit it)
13.) Tangerine Dream
14.) Tori Amos
15.) The Devlins
16.) Cruxshadows
17.) Bella Morte
18.) Reliquary
19.) Depeche Mode
20.) Duran Duran

Date: 2005-04-13 15:02
Subject: rant of the day.
if you're going to disagree with me on something, at least have the balls to stand up for your opinion, rather than saying "i don't want to debate this." all that does it show me that you lack the facility to actually engage in debate, and your capability for intellectual discourse is limited to what you've read in some books and are able to regurgitate without having a real understanding of the information contained therein. thank you, drive through.

Date: 2005-04-17 14:06
Subject: for your psytrance listening pleasure...revenge of the blackbird - mixed by yours truly. (no link, sorry)

track listing:

  1. 1200 Mics - The Creation
  2. Nissimyani - Flying Cargo
  3. Psytekk - Space Syndrome
  4. Cosmosis - Echoes in Eternity (Warm Sake)
  5. Point - 9 Ball
  6. Xerox and Illumination - SOS (Psycraft RMX)
  7. Nomad - Aura
  8. Deeper in Zen - One Timeless Moment
  9. Pop Stream - Inside the Living Machine
  10. Oforia - Substance
  11. Wrecked Machines v. Pixel - A Team
  12. Xerox and Illumination - Under Pressure