Early 2018 Prediction Recap

Early 2018 Prediction Recap

Even though the year still has two months left to go, I'm going to take an early look at the predictions I made at the start of the year, because it appears that this year my skills of prognostication have actually been surprisingly good (this is not really a good thing, given some of the things which have come true).

Recall that I made a total of 15 predictions.

  1. This was about my weight by the year's end - that I would be closer to 200 than 250. Right now I'm failing this one by about 6-7 pounds, but with two months left to go, it's quite possible that it will still happen. [INCONCLUSIVE]
  2. Still working for the same company. I suppose it's theoretically possible that I might quit between now and the end of the year, but I think it's actually pretty unlikely right now, too. [TRUE]
  3. I thought I'd lose a cat in 2018. Sadly, this just happened yesterday and deserves its own entry. [TRUE]
  4. Still in the same apartment - this was sort of a tautological statement due to the date that my lease expires, but I have another couple of days to decide whether or not I'm going to renew for another year, and at this point I'm still thinking about the possibility of moving into the city for a year. [INCONCLUSIVE]
  5. My day job has not yet IPO'd, but we are preparing for it. [TRUE]
  6. RAWR and I are not together and have not been for quite awhile. We are, however, still friends, and we talk somewhat regularly. I'll be visiting her in December for her college graduation. [FALSE]
  7. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are all still around. The current price of 1 BTC is $6400 as of this writing; I had predicted the price to be somewhere around $5000 and certainly not over $10000. Right now it's looking like this one is heading in the direction of [TRUE].
  8. No war with DPRK and plenty of saber-rattling, but there have not been any nuclear tests in 2018. [FALSE]
  9. Mueller's investigation of Trump is still ongoing; Trump's approval rating is closer to 40% than it is due to 20-25% due to the engagement of his base as a result of the Kavanaugh affair, and he is preparing for his 2020 re-election campaign. I don't see a lot of movement on this happening in the next two months, so I have to call this one [FALSE].
  10. I said that the Dow would end the year relatively flat and somewhere around 25000. Right now it's at 24668, and there have definitely been some crazy movements in the market over the last few weeks. I don't know what's going to happen between now and December 31st, but right now this one looks [TRUE].
  11. The LA Rams did not win the 2018 Super Bowl, and the Eagles are not going to have an undefeated year. They might still win the 2019 Super Bowl, but at this point I think it's probably the Rams that are more likely to go undefeated and win the next SB. [FALSE]
  12. The Golden State Warriors did repeat as NBA Champions. [TRUE]
  13. The fantasy football season is only halfway over, so I don't yet know what is going to happen to my team. [INCONCLUSIVE]
  14. I did not go back to Ozora in 2018, but I did travel overseas during the summer for Psy-Fi and a Hilltop Hoods concert. [TRUE]
  15. AAPL did reach a terabuck valuation, although whether or not it is still there after all of the market turmoil of late I do not know. [TRUE]

Of the 15 predictions, so far I've been right about 8 of them, 3 are still inconclusive, and 4 have been outright failures. This is roughly in-line with last year so far, but I still have a chance for some of those undecideds to come down in the win column.

Anyway, this is all well-and-good, but given that the last update was 7 months ago, maybe it's time to actually write something of substance, since all kinds of shit has unfolded, particularly of late.