C25K W1D2

For anyone curious about the outcome of the microdosing experiment mentioned previously, suffice to say that it failed. The whole point is not to feel anything, but I started getting that light-trip sensation about 45 minutes into it, at which point I just decided to just go all the way down the rabbit hole. I spent New Year's Eve watching old Ozora videos and generally laughing my ass off.

However, that's not the point of this post. This is actually a workout log for C25K week 1, day 2. The workout itself is exactly the same as day 1, although this time I did it on the Skill Mill (it's a manual treadmill that's got a concave shape to it) at my real gym, not a normal treadmill like the ones at my apartment. I also didn't do any weights afterwards; I just went from the gym to the office.

What I like about the Skill Mill is that it seems to be easier on the joints because of the shape and also the fact that it goes as fast as you do, so there's no need to worry about speeding it up or slowing it down from one interval to the next. When it's time to run, you run; when it's time to walk, you walk. I also wanted to see what my natural / comfortable speed would be, and then during the very last interval, I went full sprint just to find out where I'm at in relation to my pre-injury self. It was better than I had expected. Sometimes things don't suck.

Biometrics are here.

Date: 02 January 2018
Weight: 241.8
Workout: C25K W1D2, slightly modified - 5 min walk, 9 intervals of 30s run/2m walk + one last 30s sprint. Top speed 13.5mph (vs. 14.1mph pre-injury)