Blackbirds Can See The Future

Blackbirds Can See The Future

I'm just going to point out something that I find incredibly amusing in that "fuck my life" sort of way. Almost exactly one month ago, when I was writing the second of my 2016 retrospective posts, I said the following:

... this is the point where the universe will decide that I'm getting too comfortable and decide to unleash the exact kind of shitstorm that I'm not prepared for and/or not expecting, because that's just how life works ....

Nice move, universe. You got me. Right in the POW.

I think my next post is going to be about the Untied States of Trumperica. Even though I don't want this to turn into a political rant blog, we're only one week into the new administration and it's already looking to be a clusterfuck of unprecedented scale, so I might as well dogpile on before it becomes illegal. I was never a Trump supporter, but I wanted to at least give the guy a fair chance to show the world that he wasn't the complete dickbag that many of his opponents thought he was. He did it, too, but unfortunately, not in the way that I and much of America had been hoping for.

King Donald is turning out to be a bigger bag of dicks than I think even the most cynical people were expecting. We've gone from suck to blow.