Better Living Through Chemistry, Part 01

We're going to find out whether or not this peptide shit is hype or not, and in true blackbird form, rather than doing it half-ass, we're going to go full-ass and just deal with the injections. Turns out they really aren't that bad at all. Whether or not this translates into noticeable improvements remains to be seen.

First, some workout logs for the week:

23 January 2018: C25K, W2D3
Nothing particularly remarkable here. Six reps of 90s run, 90s walk, plus a couple of sprint intervals at the end.

24 January 2018: Deadlift Wednesday
Once again, I ran into the psychological roadblock at 400lbs; last week I was able to pick up 385, but I couldn't move 400. This week, I picked up 395, and again, 400 wouldn't move. We're talking couldn't-get-it-off-the-ground kind of wouldn't move, as opposed to picking it up part of the way and losing my grip or something. I also did some single-leg TRX squats afterwards just for "fun" - for some masochistic definition of fun. Deadlift sets of 155x10, 245x5, 335x2, 395x1, 400xNOPE!, 155x15 were followed by 4 sets of 5 on the squats (per leg).

25 January 2018: C25K, W3D1
Starting to get into slightly longer run intervals; week three is two repetitions of 90s run, 90s walk, 3m run, 3m walk. After finishing that, I did a couple of sprint intervals, same as earlier in the week, but this time I was able to hit a top speed of 14.0mph. This is only 0.1mph off my pre-injury top speed, and I'm 15lbs heavier than I was pre-injury, so I'm kind of surprised, but certainly not complaining.

26 January 2018: Better Living Through Chemistry, Part 01.
I'm going to try to be somewhat rigorous about this, insofar as recording what I'm doing and when and how much and the like. It may not end up on the blog in a timely fashion, but I'm keeping track of it all in my notebook as if it were a lab book.

2340 PST: Swabbed the top / stopper of a 5mg vial of BPC-157 with an sterile prep pad. Did the same thing with a 30ml bottle of bacteriostatic water. Used a 1ml syringe to add 3ml of BAC to the 5mg BPC-157 powder. Used another alcohol wipe to prepare an area of the skin about halfway down my right thigh, drew 10 units (0.1ml, 167 micrograms) of liquid from the BPC-157 vial, and injected it subcutaneously.

Repeated the above process with a 5mg vial of TB-500, but this time the injection was 50 units (835 micrograms) and the injection site was in the right abdomen. The reconstituted peptide vials were then placed in the refrigerator, and all of the syringes used were capped and discarded.

The BPC-157 injection didn't hurt at all; I barely felt anything. The TB-500 injection site stung a little bit and there was a very small (like less than a drop) bit of blood afterward. Beyond that, I don't notice anything, which realistically, is to be expected. I'd probably be a bit concerned if I was feeling something on such a small amount of chemical.

The plan going forward is to do the BPC-157 twice per day; I have enough for about 2 weeks at 333 micrograms per day. The TB-500 will be 50 units every other day, which will be exhausted in under a week. It may be the case that this isn't enough from either a dosage or a duration standpoint, but what I am hoping is that this is going to be enough to at least get some kind of subjective sense of whether or not there is anything to either of these peptides or if it's all just bro-science and hype. I'd like to believe that all the people that are trying this shit can't be wrong; there's more encouraging information out there on BPC-157 in particular than there is on various nootropics that I've tried before and noticed no effect from.

More updates to come. Next week we take another shot at 4 blues on the deadlift. There is no reason that I should not be able to lift that shit if I can pick up 395.