Better Living Through Chemistry, Part 02

Two days into my research project, and it's difficult to tell whether or not anything is actually going on that's peptide-related. Subjectively there does seem to be a feeling of improvement in my right knee, and there's not as much pain in my left knee, but how much of this is due to chemical enhancement and how much is due to just simple recovery is unknown. Even as the experiment goes forward, I'm not sure how I will be able to quantify or qualify any effects, except perhaps to wait until the cycle is over and see if anything degrades.

27 January 2018, 0435 PST: 10 units of BPC-157 administered SQ on the left thigh about two inches above the knee. My right knee feels a bit swollen, but this may or may not be related to the BPC157; the feeling itself is no different than what I'd feel after a good PT session or some time in the gym.

27 January 2018, 2230 PST: 10 units BPC-157, right thigh. I've noticed some abdominal brusing to the left of the TB-500 injection site. My guess is that this is because I pinched the skin too hard, because the injection site itself is entirely clear.

28 January 2018, 0900 PST: 10 units BPC-157, middle of the right thigh. I had been planning to alternate left and right for the BPC injections, but it's much more of a pain in the ass to find injection sites on the left thigh, because there's less available skin/fat to gather up. The bruise remains from the TB-500, but otherwise no negative effects have been observed.

28 January 2018, 1750 PST: 50 units TB-500, lower left abdomen. I moved farther out to the side and a bit lower this time; there was no blood observed when removing the syringe, and there's no soreness or tenderness here, so it's my hope that there won't be any bruising this time. If there is, then I may rethink whether or not to continue this particular chemical.

28 January 2018, 2034 PST: 10 units BPC-157, left thigh near the kneecap. Nothing to report either positively or negatively, although it does seem like there might be a bit less creakiness on the left side. We will see how things shape up over the course of the week with workouts and PT and such.