All Your Blackbird R Belong 2 Us

Yeah, so that title really has nothing at all to do with the contents of this post; this is just another generic update about what is or isn't going on in my life. For the most part, there is nothing going on aside from work and rehab for my leg. I should be able to take the brace off permanently or at least unlock it after another week, at which point I will probably make more attempts to get out of the apartment and do things other than go to work, but until then, I'm still generally just being a hermit and hanging with los gatos.

In my last post, from 17 days ago, I mentioned someone that I referred to as RAWR. When I wrote said post, she and I had only met in person once, but since then, we've had a second meeting; this time she came out to SF to spend a weekend with me. The only thing I can say is... fucking RAWR! The connection we felt in our first meeting wasn't a fluke, and even though we didn't do anything that weekend other than go out for dinner one night and hang out in my apartment watching movies and playing Scrabble, it was total bliss. This girl makes me stupid happy in ways I can't even begin to describe. I said in the previous entry that it was too soon to say that I was falling in love with her; logically, it probably still is, but logic can eat a bag of dicks on this one. I am definitely falling for her; I almost told her this when we parted at the airport, but I didn't want to freak her out. We're going to NYC for my friend R's wedding in a couple of weeks, so I would not be surprised if I say something to her then.

How strange the past 12 months have been. S was the one who showed me what I am capable of and the depths to which my emotions can reach, but it took RAWR to actually elicit feelings of said magnitude. It's like I said to S - I am stupid happy, and I have no idea how all of this is going to turn out, but I'm OK with that. This is the first time that I can remember where I've wanted to jump headlong into a pool of emotions and feelings and illogical thoughts without being afraid of what could go wrong or having any reservations about things that could torpedo our connection. A blackbird operating on pure emotion, unconstrained by logic? What kind of strange bird is this? Does this even qualify to be called a blackbird? I really don't know if I've ever felt this way before - like EVER. There are no red flags, or even any orange ones (OK, she snores, and loudly, but this is not an insurmountable problem), and maybe that alone should be the red flag, but it isn't. Wow.

In work-related news, I'm taking another shot at applying for promo; I tried last year, and after spending way too much time on my packet, I got a resounding denial. A year has passed, I've done more shit, and supposedly they have changed the process to make it both easier to pass as well as less onerous to submit to. We shall see what happens.

And in other news... well, there isn't really that much other news. I look forward to the day when I can get back in the gym.